Safety and Environment

Workplace Safety and Health Protection

Our Health, Safety and Environment Policy provides comprehensive governing principles for all personnel.

Our commitment – from safety policy to safety culture.

Our common goal is to completely prevent personal injuries, occupational diseases, and potentially unsafe actions throughout our activities.

We take care of our personnel on construction and industrial sites without any exceptions.

We strive to finish every work day without injuries or incidents in the workplace.

Safe work is one of the employment conditions, and every contract employee has the right to stop performing the work that he or she considers unsafe.


Ecological Management

SEG, LLC takes care of environmental protection and implements strict ecological standards ensuring that our current activities would not only provide for economic growth and social well-being, but would form the stable and healthy environment of the future.

Ecological management policy guides our environment protection activities. Each employee must obey this policy and adhere to its principles.

Our environment protection measures are developed based on our understanding of tremendous significance of this complex natural world.

We recognize the utter importance to conserve the biological diversity of the planet Earth, along with its ecosystems and species. 

We continuously improving in risk management, including ecological and social risks. This becomes possible with our environment protection system, which is based on certification of all our departments based on international standards ISO 14001:2015.

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